速報APP / 生活品味 / Silent Office Time- be Silent

Silent Office Time- be Silent





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Silent Office Time- be Silent(圖1)-速報App

Hello from Silent office time app. The app will take the responsibility to do not disturb by any body when you are at office or busy with some thing. Silent office time will keep silent your phone when you are at office. You set need to set the office time and weekends. In your office time your phone go to the silent mode and after time office time finished the silent mode will gone and it will act in normal mode. This the most effective way to be silent your mobile device when you are busy. Pass your busy time in the most productive way with Silent Office Time app. Sometimes silence is your essential need this app will be useful at that silent moment that you want. Enjoy your silence with Silent Office Time app.

Silent Office Time- be Silent(圖2)-速報App

1. Add office time and weekend from silent office time to silent the android phone during those time.

Silent Office Time- be Silent(圖3)-速報App

2. User can add other silent events like sleeping, meeting or any other time when his or her device needs to be silent.

Silent Office Time- be Silent(圖4)-速報App

3. From setting user can change settings. User can get notification when this app is activated. User can select silent time profile mode also like silent or vibrate. User can deactivate the feature of the app from the settings.

Silent Office Time- be Silent(圖5)-速報App

Silent Office Time- be Silent(圖6)-速報App

Silent Office Time- be Silent(圖7)-速報App